Saturday, July 08, 2006

Bio results today were oh so depressing. We had a 33.7% PASS rate for the whole cohort. And as usual, 1S26 made everyone else feel better, as all five of us managed to get a U grade. Like wth right. Not like we weren't expecting it though.

So Bitch and I were sitting around in the canteen, wondering how we were gonna break the news to our parents. I've never gotten a U before, so its like I've reached a new level of bad. Not feeling exceptionally creative, we decided U will no longer stand for Ungraded, but University. I know it doesn't make sense, but the logic behind it is, getting a U means immediate admission into uni. Hahahaha. The lame-ness that is us.

Daddy stole the Singapore Idol magazine from work for me to read. I know. THERE'S A SINGAPORE IDOL MAGAZINE??? How loser can this country get right? But oh well. I think the last batch was so much more talented then this one, which is so dismally average. Gayle's been such a disappointment really. I doubt I'm gonna keep watching very much longer, so fucking boring lah, although the maid won't let me watch anything else on tv or she'll burst into tears. Argh.

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